Obama recommends Wexler Book: «Fire Breathing Liberal»

For too long, Democrats have watched with dismay as paper-wasting polemics by rightwing heroes like Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter have become major best-sellers.

Now it’s our turn to support a Democratic hero by pre-ordering Congressman Robert Wexler’s new book Fire-Breathing Liberaland putting it right at the top of the best-seller lists where it belongs.

There’s a reason The Nation, America’s leading progressive magazine, named Robert Wexler the country’s «Most Valuable Congressman.» It’s the same reason right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh refers to him as «disgusting.» It’s because for the last twelve years Wexler has been Congress’s most outspoken liberal – taking on Newt Gingrich, Tom DeLay, Ken Starr, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Alberto Gonzales, General David Petraeus, and, when necessary, even his own party.

 «Over the course of twelve years, Robert Wexler has fought for his constituents and his ideals, refusing to let the status quo in Washington dictate what is best for this country. His book is a testament to that fight» – Senator Barack Obama

In Fire-Breathing Liberal, Wexler brings readers onto the floor of the House and puts them at the center of some of the last decade’s biggest controversies. He passionately describes how he defended Bill Clinton from impeachment, and how he stood up against the Bush Brothers when the «butterfly» ballots in his Florida district wrongly flipped the 2000 presidential election, with the crucial help of the Republican-controlled U.S. Supreme Court

He offers an honest and brutal assessment of the Iraq War and explains why he was one of the earliest supporters of bringing our troops home. He writes with force about why he started a nationwide movement to impeach Vice President Cheney and organized almost a quarter million Americans to sign up at WexlerWantsHearings.com.

He is the one man that Bush Administrations officials fear when they testify before Congress, and his Youtube video interrogations of Alberto Gonzales, General Petraeus, and Condoleezza Rice are runaway hits. Just last week he was the one Member of Congress who demanded that former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan testify before Congress, and he is the only elected official to call for arresting Karl Rove and other renegade Bush officials under the Congressional power of Inherent Contempt.

While he certainly breathes fire in his book, Wexler also shares some of the funniest stories from the corridors of Congress, including how he unexpectedly became The Colbert Report’s most talked-about guest.

«I enjoyed Congressman Wexler’s book even more than I enjoy cocaine and prostitutes.» – Stephen Colbert

This weekend, the world witnessed Robert Wexler at his best as he delivered a passionate address and took hostile questions while representing Barack Obama before the Rules and Bylaws Committee of the Democratic National Committee.

Congressman Robert Wexler may represent South Florida in Congress, but in truth he speaks for every liberal and progressive American who is outraged by the disastrous Bush Administration and corrupt congressional GOP. Wexler speaks for us when he takes on Bush, Cheney, Tom DeLay, and Ken Starr. He calls out Republican lies and even is willing to stand up to fellow Democrats when our party is too passive.

Robert Wexler gives us voice – so let’s support him and his progressive call to action. And let’s show the nation that a Democrat can rule the best seller list, not just Hannity and Coulter. Robert Wexler has earned the recognition and respect – and so have we.

Bob Fertik

p.s. The book will be in stores and be shipped on June 24 but I hope you will preorder it today.

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